14,000 km of road surface analysis

over 200 contractors from Poland and abroad

over 20 years of experience
Road Surface Analysis System
Over 20 years of experience has allowed us to create professional tools enabling precise analysis of road surfaces in terms of damage and calculating the reliable depth of the rut. In addition, the use of products from renowned companies such
as Dynatest and Trimble has expanded our offer with the study of longitudinal evenness with the determination of the IRI coefficient.
Thanks to the possessed devices, the SAND Studio, as part of the design works related to the implementation of the most modern Intelligent Traffic Control in Poland (already operating in many European cities), carried out diagnostics of the pavement condition at 46 indicated intersections and tests of the structure condition in selected roads (32 intersections). The project was performed in Tychy where the ITS system was implemented. In addition, scanning and assessing the condition of road surfaces at the station of pre-selection weighing WIM (Weight –
in – Motion) was performed.