Environmental supervision
MR Consulting sp. z o.o. Środowiskowa Sp. k. has extensive experience in supervising the implementation of linear, cubature, energetic, or hydrotechnical projects. We carry out supervision in the fields of environmental protection and nature conservation as part of the largest infrastructure projects in Poland, such as the construction of motorways, railway lines, hydrotechnical constructions, or power plants, including those using renewable energy sources. Our activities include, above all:
- analysis of contract documentation and assistance in the implementation of environmental protection and nature conservation requirements in the construction process;
- drawing up applications and documentation in order to obtain decisions and permissions, e.g., decisions permitting to derogate from the prohibitions regarding protected species;
- recommending appropriate precautions, and activities that minimize the impact on the natural environment;
- supervising construction works in terms of compliance with the requirements of the project documentation in the field of environmental protection and nature conservation;
- implementation of temporary protection solutions for valuable natural and animal habitats exposed to interference with implemented investments;
- conducting active protection of amphibians along with the installation of temporary and permanent herpetological barriers;
- conducting and supervising activities in the field of active plant habitat protection: conducting metaplantation of legally protected plant habitats and individuals;
- environmental monitoring on the construction site and the surrounding areas, including monitoring of protected animal and plant sites, diagnosis, and prevention of threats to these species;
- assessment of the impact of construction works on the state of natural habitats and populations of plants and animals;
- supervising the removal or metaplantation of protected plant and animal habitats, restoration of natural habitats and the implementation of compensatory measures;
- performing environmental supervision after the completion of construction works, during the period of defect notification and guarantees;
- assistance and consultancy in the preparation of specialized documentation addressed to environmental protection authorities such as the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection, the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, the Departments for Environmental Protection of the General Directorate for National Roads and Highways, etc.;
- training for employees directly implementing construction projects, regarding environmental protection requirements and their implementation during the construction works.
Gallery of implementation